(MH): Tell us about the types of frog Ji Sung Park was drinking – is it rare?
(KK): I am not sure what he was drinking. He may be unsure as well. Most people do not think about the species of frog they are consuming (as opposed to the species of fish for instance…cod vs snapper etc).
(MH): Are there health benefits to drinking frogs?
(KK): None that validate consuming frogs in this current era of their mass extinction.
(MH): How widely is it being done?
(KK): Hundreds of millions of frogs are taken from the wild each year for use as frog legs by humans worldwide. I do not think frog drinking is very common, but it is certainly done in Peru and the altiplano regions of South America as frog frappes — often using Telmatobius frogs, which are rapidly disappearing due to a number of factors.
(MH): How damaging is this practice to the frog population?
(KK): I do not have data on Korea’s frog consumption, but frog legs eating certainly causes problems in many areas of the world. For instance, in France it is illegal to consume native frogs — they nearly ate all theirs to extinction, so now they import frogs from Indonesia. India and Bangladesh stopped exporting frogs in the 1970’s when they noticed their mosquito populations were rising due to the removal of frogs from the ecosystem. The California Red-Legged Frog nearly got eaten to extinction in the 1890’s by the gold miners.
(MH): What are the laws surrounding these frogs?
(KK): Only a small proportion of frogs receive legal protections. Of those frogs that do have legal rights, there are rarely people or groups enforcing the laws.