The SAVE THE FROGS! Chapters Core Principles are those ideas and visions which chapters of the SAVE THE FROGS! worldwide community are expected to share and adhere to.
The SAVE THE FROGS! Chapters Core Principles are:
(1) Chapters should abide by their Constitution and by all local and national laws.
(2) Chapters should work in good faith to achieve the SAVE THE FROGS! mission and to represent SAVE THE FROGS! to their local communities in a positive light.
(3) Chapters should provide amphibian conservation and education opportunities to their members and the local community.
(4) Chapters should strive to be financially independent so as to safeguard the chapter’s ability to benefit amphibians and its members for the long term, irrespective of the fate of the rest of the SAVE THE FROGS! community.
(5) Chapters should strive to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their organization, in order to ensure the chapter’s longevity and the accomplishment of the chapter’s goals.
(6) The chapter should annually make a financial contribution to SAVE THE FROGS! at a level personally meaningful to the chapter members*, in reciprocity for the services provided to the chapter by SAVE THE FROGS!, and to contribute to the longevity and growth of the worldwide SAVE THE FROGS! network.
(7) The chapter should submit an annual report by February 15th each year, and should provide monthly updates of the chapter’s activities and successes for inclusion on the STF! website.
(8) The chapter should ensure that at least one of its Executives is in attendance on the monthly SAVE THE FROGS! Worldwide Executives meeting.
(9) The chapter should not engage in the buying or selling of amphibians.
(10) The chapter should not collect amphibians from the wild for use as pets, food, bait, laboratory, museum specimens or zoological display unless absolutely required for conservation purposes.
(11) Chapters should remain non-denominational and not promote religious agendas.
*Personally Meaningful.
A donation has a high chance of being personally meaningful if:
(1) It required some effort for the chapter to obtain the amount donated;
(2) Chapter members derived a sense of accomplishment from the chapter’s donation;
We understand that donations are rare in many countries. We still believe though that the chapter can hold a fundraising drive by encourage members to ask friends and families for small amounts (e.g. $2), which when combined can add up to a respectable donation to SAVE THE FROGS! on behalf of the chapter. Chapter members will undoubtedly gain valuable fundraising experience in the process, all while spreading the word about SAVE THE FROGS! and amphibian conservation.
Members of the SAVE THE FROGS! UCAES Chapter in Ghana.