This is a great example of how museums, zoos and aquariums can get involved with Save The Frogs Day activities. Chicago’s Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum will be celebrating Save The Frogs Day with an array of activities to educate adults and kids about amphibians and to raise money for amphibian conservation efforts. Museum Visitors and Staff will all be encouraged to wear green to show their support for this event.
Here are some of the Museum’s planned activities:
Information/Education Table
Learn some cool frog facts, find info on the threats that frogs are facing and what you can do to help. Play a detective game to solve the case of the disappearing frogs. Take a scavenger hunt to find the frogs around the museum and gather information about those frogs.
Frog Monitoring Network
Representatives from this great local organization will be on hand to show what is involved in becoming a Frog Monitor.
Live Frog Display
See a variety of live frog and toad species from the museum’s living collections.
Academy Collections
Scientists from the Collections Department will be displaying specimens and talking about preservation techniques.
Frog Art
Karen Sako , a local artist will have a few of her students working on a frog mural, which visitors and their children will be encouraged to help paint. She will also be doing a live painting of a frog of her choice and donating one of her already finished frog pieces to a raffle to raise money for SAVE THE FROGS. (Please also see the SAVE THE FROGS Art Contest Page)
Frog Rocks (Frogs Rock!)
Paint a rock to look like a frog! ($3 charge)
Frog Hopping Game – 11am to 12.30
How far can you hop? Compare your hopping skills with different frog species.
Face Painting – 11am to 1pm
Come get your face painted to look like your favorite frog. ($3 charge)
Film Showing – 1pm
Why Frogs Call and Why We Should Listen. Followed by a discussion led by local amphibian expert, Mike Lanoo.
Frog and Toad Feeding – 1pm
Feeding time for our frogs and toads, what do they eat?
Frog Origami – 1pm to 3pm
Create your very own origami frog from recycled paper.
• Jim Harris’s DVD ‘Midwestern Frogs and Toads’ will be showing and copies will be available for purchase in the Museum Store.
• Frog and Toad calls will be played throughout the day in the Museum lobby.
• Frog and Toad merchandise will be prominently featured at the front of the Museum Store.
• Visitors will be given a ten percent discount on all amphibian related merchandise in the Museum Store.
Thanks to the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum for taking action to SAVE THE FROGS!