In celebration of the 15th Annual Save The Frogs Day, In Defense of Animals is hosting a film screening of “The Toad Detour” a beautiful documentary highlighting one community’s efforts to save their local amphibians.
Each spring, toads and other amphibians wake from their winter slumber and migrate to vernal pools to breed. Sadly, they often have to cross roads to get there and many are killed by cars. The creation of the Toad Detour program highlights just one way people can help save the frogs.
“Human-caused threats to toads are the biggest concern, and include climate crisis, water quality issues, and habitat destruction, but the important thing is that there is something we can do about it,” says Campaigner Katie Nolan.
Join us for a screening of this wonderful film, followed by a Q & A with members of the original Toad Detour project Lisa Levinson and Doug Wechsler, and the film’s creator Burgess Coffield.
Who: In Defense of Animals and Toad Detour volunteers Lisa Levinson and Burgess Coffield
What: Save The Frogs Day “Toad Detour” film screening
Why: Toads and other amphibians face the serious threat of cars when crossing roads during their spring migrations. Join us on the 15th Annual Save The Frogs Day to watch this heartwarming film and see how one community saved the toads in their area. Get inspired and start a crossing of your own!
When: Friday, April 28 at 10 a.m. PT/1 p.m. ET