This article details how you can form and maintain a SAVE THE FROGS! Chapter, and thus maximize your abilities to save frogs from extinction.
Forming Your Chapter
Chapters are formed by mutual agreement of SAVE THE FROGS! and the officers of the chapter’s founding Executive Committee, after steps that include:
- Submitting the form “Application To Form A SAVE THE FROGS! Chapter” (the application will be added to this page very soon!);
- Creation and approval of the chapter’s Constitution (a template constitution will be added here shortly!);
- Signing of an agreement to adhere to the SAVE THE FROGS! Chapters Core Principles (coming soon!); and
- Signing of the SAVE THE FROGS! Trademark Licensing Agreement (we will send you this once the above steps are completed).
Maintaining Your Chapter
To maintain active status in the SAVE THE FROGS! Community:
- Chapters must implement amphibian conservation/education activities that align with the SAVE THE FROGS! mission.
- Chapters must annually renew their agreement to adhere to the SAVE THE FROGS! Chapters Core Principles; and
- Chapters must submit an Annual Report every year by February 15th.
- Chapters are expected to submit an article to the website each month, about amphibians or their chapter’s activities.
SAVE THE FROGS! reserves the right to terminate the chapter if the chapter is not abiding by the SAVE THE FROGS! Chapters Core Principles. We look forward to assisting dedicated groups in achieving their frog saving goals!
Together we can SAVE THE FROGS!
SAVE THE FROGS! Founder Dr. Kerry Kriger photographed this Craugastor megacephalus one rainy night in the Kekoldi Indigenous Reserve in southeastern Costa Rica.