Fundraising is a fantastic way to raise funds for important conservation projects and to spread the word about a cause you believe in. Fundraising is often the difference between merely dreaming up an environmental project and actually seeing it through to completion. As such, SAVE THE FROGS! encourages all frog enthusiasts to hone their fundraising skills through study and real-world experience.
The video below is intended to give you numerous actionable ideas you can use to maximize your success fundraising for the frogs. On August 21st 2013, SAVE THE FROGS! Founder Dr. Kerry Kriger, Ecologist Michael Starkey and former SAVE THE FROGS! Board Member Sienne Hayes conducted a SAVE THE FROGS! Academy online class all about fundraising. In the class, these three accomplished fundraisers discussed winning strategies that will assist you with your fundraising efforts — whether you are raising money for frogs, bats, human diseases, poor kids or any other group in need. And fortunately, we have a recording of the class! Watch it below and greatly improve your fundraising knowledge. Enjoy and best of luck in your fundraising efforts!
Please be sure to subscribe to the SAVE THE FROGS! YouTube Channel and get more fundraising tips from the SAVE THE FROGS! Fundraising Webpage.