Check out the amazing things that SAVE THE FROGS! Ghana accomplished in 2012!
– Coordinated Ghana’s first Save The Frogs Day in both the Southern and Northern provinces of the country.
— Founded a new SAVE THE FROGS! Chapter at the University College of Agriculture and Environmental Studies (UCAES), to help create the Atewa Hills National Park for the protection of the critically endangered Togo Slippery Frog (Conraua derooi).
— Coordinated Small Grants Awards ($1,000) and built the capacity of two undergraduates at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), and one student at University for Development Studies, Tamale, to conduct projects in amphibian conservation.
— Growing the movement to create a new national park at Atewa Hills, to protect the critically endangered Togo Slippery Frog (Conraua derooi) (
— Implemented a project to establish Ghana’s baseline information on the status of frog meat consumption and export, and educating local people to reduce exploitations.
— Organized a national seminar on research proposal writing for university students at KNUST, Kumasi.
— Gave regular weekly radio broadcasts about frog conservation issues on KNUST Focus FM Radio, 94.3, and live radio presentations among Atewa local communities about the need to protect the Atewa Forest from mining.
— Published in FrogLog, Newsletter of IUCN Amphibian Specialist Group, drawing both local and international attention to the plight of Ghana’s endangered amphibians and need to save them.
–Gave 25 live presentations across Ghana to educate Ghanaians about frog conservation.
— Authored a publication in Conservation Biology about the regeneration potential of African selectively logged rainforests for amphibians, and providing important conclusions for sustainable long-term management of these highly important tropical ecosystems. Co-authored a publication in Biotropica, using amphibians as model organisms to show that the net effect of logging varies with respect to forest type.