On Saturday, December 10th, 2016, SAVE THE FROGS! held an online six-hour frog saving experience called the SAVE THE FROGS! Hang Out. We invited our supporters, members and the general public to an online webinar where our team of amphibian biologists answered questions about amphibian ecology, conservation and about our global frog saving programs. We also gave slide show presentations about current SAVE THE FROGS! campaigns. Throughout the day frog savers from sixteen countries joined the SAVE THE FROGS! Hang Out and connected with other people interested in amphibian conservation.
“SAVE THE FROGS! is a great organization, and an instrumental part in the essential movement to inspire people to learn and care for the world’s amphibians. Humanity must save frogs, if we are to save human kind. Yesterday, my friend, Wendy and I, tuned into the SAVE THE FROGS! live video hangout. Before the live video hangout, we were both really impressed with what SAVE THE FROGS! was doing to educate, inspire, and empower people to care about frogs. Now having had the opportunity to visit with Dr. Kerry Kriger, and Michael Starkey of SAVE THE FROGS!, we are even more excited to spread the word about Save the Frogs and do what we can to help create a healthy world for frogs and support the work of SAVE THE FROGS!. SAVE THE FROGS! has two inspired, excited, and committed supporters in the Pacific NW.”
– Megan Bloom, SAVE THE FROGS! Hang Out Participant