In late 2012, The Estate of Marie Kirchberger sent SAVE THE FROGS! a check for $75,000, the largest donation we have ever received. The donation was a bequest from the late Marie Kirchberger, who included SAVE THE FROGS! in her will based on her love of frogs and her appreciation of our efforts on behalf of amphibians.
Marie’s generous gift came at a time of significant financial hardship for SAVE THE FROGS!, and funded our entire worldwide operations for over six months. For this, everybody in the SAVE THE FROGS! community has much to be appreciative of, for without Marie’s bequest, it is unknown if SAVE THE FROGS! would even exist today.
Marie and I had never communicated, and during her life she had placed only a single donation to SAVE THE FROGS! (in 2010, for $25).
It is my sincere hope that Marie’s $75,000 bequest inspires you to include SAVE THE FROGS! in your own estate plans. To assist you in this regard, SAVE THE FROGS! has created this webpage that details the multitude of ways you can leave a legacy for the frogs and ensure the survival of frog populations far into the future.
Photo of American Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus; Rana catesbeiana) courtesy of Wes Deyton.
Here is the 2012 letter we received announcing Marie Kirchberger’s generous bequest to SAVE THE FROGS:
“Dear Dr. Kriger,
My name is Joanne Robinson, and I am contacting you on behalf of The Estate of Marie Kirchberger, formerly of Somerville, Massachusetts. Marie Kirchberger was one of the most generous friends I had. She held strong opinions and supported many wonderful causes. In light of her belief that your cause is numbered among them, Marie made a bequest to your organization in her Will.
Marie felt very strongly that SAVE THE FROGS! made a significant contribution to our environment. Marie had a strong connection to frogs, and as a result her friends helped contribute over the years to an impressive collection of frog figurines and artwork. She thought highly of the work your organization does.
Please note that this bequest is a contribution to your general funds, and that there are no specific conditions or stipulations regarding its use. However, Marie’s specific interests were in the areas of preserving frog habitats and educating people on their value in the ecosystem. I believe it would honor Marie’s memory if you did choose to apply any of these funds towards those areas specifically.
Her bequest was in the amount of seventy-five thousand dollars. I have enclosed both a cheque in that amount made out to your organization, and a copy of the Will.
We will all miss Marie. On her behalf, I would like to thank you for your organization’s work in improving our world, and to express my hope that her legacy will be to help you continue that work.
Joanne Robinson, Executrix
The Estate of Marie Kirchberger”
Spadefoot (Pelobates fuscus) photo from Czech Republic courtesy of Jenda Dvorak
“Great news. I am wishing for many more such donors in the coming year(s). You are doing such an admirable job on behalf of our amphibian friends.”
Ron L., Berkeley, CA