Volunteers both are needed to help SAVE THE FROGS! Ghana conduct amphibian surveys and rescue operations for amphibians vulnerable to roadkills at the Ankasa Conservation Area (ACA) starting from 12th – 18th December, 2014.
ACA is one of Ghana’s most biodiverse areas found in the wet evergreen forest zone, supporting the country’s richest amphibian diversity. Unfortunately, ACA is constantly under ecological stress from the thousands of annual tourists. More disturbing is the poor nature of the roads leading to and passing through ACA, plagued with potholes that collect water used by some frog species as temporary habitats. Others also cross the roads during their natal migration periods in search of suitable breeding grounds. As a result, they are exposed to many dangers including roadkills.
In the absence of baseline data on amphibian roadkills that can help effectively address the problem in West Africa, this project is gathering and documenting fundamental information using ACA as a reference point. Specifically, we are developing photo guides to amphibians that occur within ACA. We are also collecting data on natal migratory frog species, proximity of breeding ponds to roads, species that use puddles as temporary habitats and species that are vulnerable or victims of road mortality.
Conservation measures underway to prevent the amphibian roadkills within ACA include:
• Covering up potholes in critical natal migratory routes together with ACA staff and school children from neighbouring communities.
• Educating ACA staff, tourists and local communities through radio programmes and video shows on the negative impacts of roadkills on amphibians.
Tertiary students are particularly encouraged to take advantage of this volunteering opportunity to develop their skills in amphibian research and also collect data that could be used for their thesis.
You can contact SAVE THE FROGS! Ghana by sending an email to: ghana@savethefrogs.com
Thanks to the UK based Rufford Foundation for giving a £6,000 grant to fund this project.