Members of SAVE THE FROGS! Ghana KNUST Chapter, the world’s first international university chapter of SAVE THE FROGS!, are embarking on a massive frog conservation education at local communities in the Kumasi Metropolis this Saturday, 8th November 2014. The members will educate the local people about the plight of frogs, and how to organize amphibian conservation activities to prevent their extinction. The outreach will also target local Senior High Schools in the evening during their weekend entertainment programme to inspire the students to pursue environmental careers.They will also distribute free educational materials including SAVE THE FROGS! Ghana stickers to these local people.
Since its inception in 2011, the KNUST Chapter at Ghana’s premier science university and second largest city, Kumasi, has been educating communities within the Kumasi Metropolis.This year’s outreach focuses on communities that fringe the Wewe River, a 12.9ha remnant upland forest and wetland which is an important habitat for twelve frog species. This riparian environment also forms part of the Upper Guinean Forest, one of the world’s 34 biodiversity hotspots and so has duly been referred to as the oasis of Kumasi’s tropical biodiversity. Unfortunately, local people use this area as“wasteland” and dump water and liquid waste. There is also widespread illegal farming activities and continuous extraction of bamboo and trees by local people.
In their efforts to curb these illegal activities and protect the Wewe River for frogs, the KNUST Chapter has been engaging these local communities through conservation outreaches to promote a society that respects and appreciates nature. Organizing community outreaches has always been one of the major hallmarks of SAVE THE FROGS! (STF!) in combating the amphibian extinction crisis and this educational trip is perfectly in line with that.
Thanks to the Rufford Foundation, SAVE THE FROGS! and SAVE THE FROGS! Ghana for helping us save the KNUST amphibians and giving these communities the opportunity to learn about nature.