We are pleased to announce that the Whitley Fund For Nature has awarded Gilbert Adum of SAVE THE FROGS! Ghana with a grant of 35,000GBP (US$51,100) to further his efforts protecting the Giant Squeaker Frog (Arthroleptis krokosua), one of the world’s most endangered frog species. Gilbert was awarded this prestigious environmental prize at The Royal Geographical Society in London in front of over 550 guests including Sir David Attenborough and the daughter of the Queen of England.
Since the founding of SAVE THE FROGS! Ghana in 2011, Gilbert Adum has catapulted Ghana into the world conservation spotlight. Gilbert was selected from 130 applicants worldwide. Sir David Attenborough said this of Gilbert and the other internationally-acclaimed award winners as they received their Whitley Award: “Empowering local people, who understand what the problems are, and who have the local knowledge, determination and vested interest to find the solutions is the very best way to ensure long term protection for the natural world.”
You can watch Gilbert Adum’s enthusiastic speech as he receives his award
Watch the award announcement video here, narrated by David Attenborough
Gilbert Adum Interviewed by BBC World Service
Listen to this great interview BBC World Service had with Gilbert Adum about his Whitley Fund for Nature Award.
More congratulatory messages continue to pour in from all over the world in recognition of Gilbert Adum’s Whitley Fund for Nature Award, including from Germany’s Environment Minister, Barbara Hendricks: “I am absolutely delighted that one of the Humboldt Climate Protection Fellows has received this prestigious award.” Gilbert spent the past 18 months in Germany working on climate change issues as they relate to West Africa’s amphibians, and managing SAVE THE FROGS! Ghana from afar.
Gilbert is the first Ghanaian to receive this prestigious award. Gilbert’s success was highlighted in Modern Ghana and other African news outlets.
Congratulations to Gilbert and the SAVE THE FROGS! Ghana Team!
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