From all of us at SAVE THE FROGS!, thank you for organizing a Save The Frogs Day event! It is so exciting to see you celebrating amphibians and bringing further awareness to their conservation.
Please fill out the brief Save The Frogs Day Event Report Form below so that we can track the global impact of Save The Frogs Day; and so we can add your event to our website and inspire others to take action for amphibians!

Feel free to post this image on social media and tag us @savethefrogs
The Importance Of Reporting Your Event
As a Save The Frogs Day event organizer, the first step is to plan your event. The second step is to register your event. The third step is to hold your event. And the final step is to report your event!
By reporting your event, you help SAVE THE FROGS! by:
(1) Ensuring we have fabulous photos and stories from your event that we can add to the STF! website; and
(2) Enabling us to track the total worldwide impact of Save The Frogs Day, which helps inspire volunteers and donors for years to come. More volunteers and more donors = more frogs saved!
By reporting your amazing Save The Frogs Day event, you also increase your chances of receiving a Save The Frogs Day Grant in the future, as we love to fund groups whose projects are consistent successes.

Photo of Agalychnis callidryas from Costa Rica by Bruce Jones, submitted to the 2017 SAVE THE FROGS! Photo Contest.
Prepare To Report Your Save The Frogs Day Event
The ideal event report contains:
• The number of attendees at your event
• The number of volunteers at your event
• A well-written summary of
◦ what took place at your event
◦ who organized the event
◦ where it happened
◦ when it happened
◦ any links to webpages about your event
• Digital materials such as:
◦ Photos
◦ Flyers, banners and other promo materials you created
◦ News coverage
◦ Documents you created such as an event report PDF
• A tally of how much money (if any) your group raised for STF!
If you created videos (the best being a well-produced video summary of your event), ideally you would simply send us the YouTube or Vimeo link to the video, rather than the video files (which are often huge).
If you have a lot of files to deliver us, you may wish to add them to a cloud storage system such as Dropbox and then simply deliver us the link to that folder (so long as it will not expire any time soon!). Google Drive works too, though we prefer Dropbox.
If you created a PDF final report, then congratulations! Those look great and you have full control on how the info appears. We will embed that into your event’s webpage. Include the PDF file as an attachment in your submission, or put the PDF into the Dropbox or Google Drive folder you send us.

Photo of Eleutherodactylus cooki from Puerto Rico submitted to the 2017 SAVE THE FROGS! Photo Contest by Jan Zegarra.
Report Your Save The Frogs Day Event Here
On behalf of everyone in the worldwide SAVE THE FROGS! Community, thank you for holding a Save The Frogs Day event, and thank you for completing this Event Report!
“SAVE THE FROGS is fantastic! They coordinated Save The Frogs Day, which was the largest day of amphibian education in the planet’s history, over 20 countries took part!”
— Save The Frogs Day 2010 Participant

If You Collected Email Addresses
If you collected email addresses of participants and volunteers so that they can receive and be educated by the SAVE THE FROGS! Newsletter, please email them to us (ideally as an .xls or .csv file). Thank you for helping to grow, Grow, GROW our worldwide movement!
If You Collected Donations
We thank you in advance for collecting donations: your support makes this amazing day possible. Please send your donations to us as soon as possible after your event so that we can direct those donations to our frog saving efforts. Thanks for helping SAVE THE FROGS!

Frog in egg mass, photo from the 2017 SAVE THE FROGS! Photo Contest
Thank You For Reporting Your Save The Frogs Day Event!
By letting us know what took place at your event, you have significantly increased the impact of your event, far beyond the community in which it was held, so we send you a huge thank you for helping SAVE THE FROGS!
Best of luck in all your future amphibian conservation initiatives!
Questions? You can email us or ask your question in the SAVE THE FROGS! Discord community #save-the-frogs-day channel.

Save The Frogs Day 2019 at Okhreni, Nepal. Okhreni is in Kathmandu district, at the buffer zone of Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park. Event organized by SAVE THE FROGS! Scholarship Recipient Manoj Pokharel.